*Please note that all menu plans are subject to LIFE! If you get your heart set on seeing a particular recipe appear on the blog within the next week and it never appears... just send me a message and I will send the recipe on to you.
MONDAY, MAY 21ST = Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers
TUESDAY, MAY 22ND = Spinach Enchiladas
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23RD = Lemony Pesto Pasta with Edamame and Almonds
THURSDAY, MAY 24TH = Chicken 'N Peppers Pasta Skillet
FRIDAY, MAY 25TH = Date Night!
SATURDAY, MAY 19TH = Make your own pizzas
(All food pictures (except the pizza) are from Pinterest and I stake NO claim to them! I will site proper sources with each recipe as I make them this week!)
Looking forward to hearing your reviews!!!